Once we step back into fall the serious networking begins again! Networking is one of your 3 ‘Must Do’ marketing strategies if you really want to grow your business quickly.

The way to make the most of attending a networking event is to come well prepared. Most networking events expect at the least, that you will introduce yourself through your ‘elevator speech’ (aka your ‘infomercial or commercial’) and give others your business card. If you are a member of a networking group you may also be able to create a table display which gives you more visibility.

Before I go to any networking event I always like to set my intention so I know what results I expect to ‘get and give’ at a particular event. Networking does take work and it takes time. You need to attend often and follow up with people you meet. People need to KNOW YOU, LIKE YOU & TRUST YOU before they will buy from you. And they can’t do this from just one quick introduction!

To make the most of your time, it is best to have your website up and running even if it is not 100% completed. Most networkers will go directly to your website to learn more about you. Just like home staging you only get 1 chance to make a great first impression – so make the most of it!


Typically you have anywhere from a few seconds to give your elevator speech to several minutes. You might use it quite literally when you are in an elevator and someone asks you what you do. In some more structured groups like BNIs (Business Networking International) you have 60 seconds to talk about yourself and let the other members know what type of ideal client/referral you are looking for.

If you are new to the world of networking and nervous, there is nothing that says you can’t type it up and have it on a piece of paper to read from. Or try writing just your few key points on index cards or in your blackberry to refer to if you need to. Most experienced networkers realize that we all started just like you! Go with a friend if you are really nervous or join a Toastmaster’s group to gain your confidence.

If you follow this simple proven 7 Steps to Creating Your FANTASTIC Elevator Speech Formula you can adjust it like an accordion. Write up 2 versions so that you have your ‘short version’ and your ‘expanded version’.

I’ll share mine with you here as if I was introducing myself as a Home Staging Instructor to a networking group. Script it so it is fairly conversational.

A. Longer Version Elevator Speech

1. Your NAME & Your BUSINESS NAME -Hello my name is Dana Smithers. I am a Home Staging Expert, founder and instructor of the PRES Staging School.

2. Who your IDEAL CLIENTS are -I teach aspiring home stagers how to become successful and confident business owners.

3. What your ideal clients STRUGGLE with -Many students are new entrepreneurs and have no idea even where to start to build their business. They struggle with lack of confidence to do the physical staging and to charge what they are really worth.